Wing attach brackets


New member
Just bought a Cruisemaster that is now in AZ and will transport it to OR next month. I plan on building fuselage supports out of angle iron. I'll attach it to the wing attach brackets, extend it down from there to keep the fuselage at the same height as when it sits on the gear and mount aircraft wheels and tires at the bottom so I can roll it around. Since the plane is 1200 miles from me I'm hoping someone here can give me a few measurements.

What is the diameter of the front wing attach bolts? What is the space between them, center to center? And, about how high should the fuselage be at the front attach point? Ball-park is fine on the last question.

Thanks, Forrest
Well, I guess no one else has a spare Cruisemaster fuselage lying around to measure...
1. 5/8" bolts
2. 9 5/8" spacing ctr to ctr.
WARNING...if the engine is on, use no less than 3/16" thick angle iron or you risk collapse.
With the engine on and wings and empennage off, the fuselage is extremely nose heavy.
Always keep the tail tied down and/or 40 lbs at the tailpost. 30" below the bottom bolt is plenty.
Been there...done that...take it from me.
N6575N Used to belong to Mel Bolas and has been based at Ryan Field in Tucson since 1966. Several friends, among them Doug Baltzley who owns a Cruisaire and is a club member, and I looked it over while we were at the Cactus Fly In earlier this month. They pronounced it to be in "great shape but needs a lot of work."

Just what I need to keep me busy in retirement!
N6575N is now in the hanger here in Redmond. Thanks, Dan - the measurements you sent for fuselage support worked perfectly.
We are hear to help.
If the engine is still on the fuselage, be careful as per the earlier post.
A neighbor's Luscombe vertical fin punched a hole in his garage sheetrock ceiling during an "upset."
Forrest, I have a magazine article about that plane. It shows the Petton wheel covers that were on it. Did those come with it? Give me an address or contact info and I will send you the magazine. ______Grant.
Yes, the Petton wheel covers are still on the plane. They need to be re-rigged; the clamshell doors don't close tight enough to do much good now. I'd love to have that article.
Forrest, give me a call with your mailing address, and I will send the magazine. Your plane is the cover story. As another side note, I talked to a fellow with a Cruisair at Scapoose (SP?) several years ago and he said there was a Cruisemaster in a hanger across from his . It had been disassembled for 20 or 30 years. It may still be there gathering dust. ______Grant.
Pretty silly of me to say "give me a call" and then not give you a number to call. Its not old age, its overload, (I hope). 707-928-5538. _____Grant.
Grant - I left a message - or two......old age is definitely a curse of mine. Dan - I'm trying to hook up with him. I recently joined the Prineville EAA chapter and it's only a matter of time before we get together. I've managed to contact Larry, on the wet side of the Cascades from me, and hope to say hi to him in person one of these days.
Forrest, I just got home and got your messages. I went looking for the book and dont remember where I saw it (only a few weeks ago, but I have slept since then). I will locate it after shuffling through more boxes of STUFF. I have too much sh#@. As soon as I locate it, I will mail it. Have you ordered the CD from the feds, for the plane? Best of luck with your new toy. ____Grant.