Wing replacement question for Jerry


New member
If I were to replace the wings on an wood spar 8KCAB, would it be possible to use the same wings (and tail) from an Extreme Decathlon? Is this feasible or not possible due to all the mumbo jumbo of Type Certificates etc....
As usual, its never an easy answer. Life!

Anyway, the easy part is the tail. We scrapped the airfoil tail on the Xtreme. It did very little to improve things and added cost and weight. Its awesome on the Scout, because its slow and has downwash. Once you get into higher speeds, its merely a small increase in surface area. The Decathlon just operates at faster speeds more often. We figured that out the hard way...built it first.

Wing: In order to actually get the project approved faster, we had to marry the stubby wing tips to the Xtreme. Yes, wing tips and engine are required together...makes total sense doesn't it? Basically, would have taken too much time to open projects for each item, or expand the project to study 180 performance with the stubby wing tip.

So, onto the good news; When you get retrofit wings for your 8KCAB, you can use the old ailerons (cheaper, reuse the ailerons you have) OR use the new ones (have to buy new ailerons). Same wing tip as regular decathlon. Of all the wing changes, obviously, the new aileron is the most significant, anyway. The 'clipped' tip was really about the weight.

clear as mud?
Thanks, good info. I assumed to get the new aileron you needed the new Xtreme wing. Hence that is why I was thinking about up grading an older 8KCAB with the new wing. Easier to justify scraping the old wings. If I understand this correctly, I can take any ACA (post 92) 8KCAB buy the new aileron and retrofit it to that wing? I guess it comes down to a question of how much am I willing to spend on the difference in roll rate.

Not quite right. New aileron does not fit on anything but the 'Xtreme' wing. Which is not exclusive to the Xtreme. Made a 180 already with new ailerons. Basically, the aileron ribs are different; so its not apples to apples. That said, have made 3 wing retrofits with the new aileron already too.

Yeah, wing swap is not an easy one to swallow. We know that. It feels better once you see the size of the box it comes in. lol