wing strut vibration


New member
I have a Champion 7HC with a 135 HP 0290 D2B. I have notice that the right side front and rear lift strut vibrates in flight between 2000 & 2500 rpm. Vibrates more with the higher rpm. I can cut power and put it in a dive to pick up airspeed without any vibration. I was up in another Champion 7 HC and his left struts was vibrating. Maybe this is the way it is, but it bothers me, untill I know differently. Engine runs smooth, 250 hrs on new wings and struts. I have Balance the prop and checked the tracking, replaced all engine shock mount, checked all wing/strut hardware for tightness and inspected the wing. Any other ideas or advive. Thanks paul
I've had had a Cessna 120 for some 42 years. I'm aware of a strut vibration around 1300-1400 RPM, in flight only. If I see it, I get out of it, ASAP. I don't have an answer to your problem. However, I would not operate the airplane if this was a continuous problem. Vibration can lead to a fatigue failure. Those struts hold your ass in the air.
Hi Paul,
I have a 1980 7GCBC and you can see the right strut vibrating on climbout . It has done this since I've owned the plane.

That is one of the next things im planning to do. I leveled the prop to the aircraft and measured the distance from the strut bolt to the prop tip on each side. looks like the engine is pointing left of center. measurment on the right side is 3/4 inch longer than the left side. lPaul