wing tape to fuselage


New member
I have been looking at several Bellanca's and some have the wings taped to the rear of the plane and others have a foam strip there, the front has the filler strip. This plane was taped between the two but I do not know what is the correct way? My AP wanted me to find out. Thanks for any help. Joe
Based on my experience with Cruisemasters they have all had tape from the top of the surface of the wing to the fuselage. This includes my one 14-19-2 that had the original factory fabric. Of course there is no tape towards the leading edge which is protected with the removable fairing. I am not sure my comments address you question... maybe you can explain in more detail the area you are referring to. Maybe some pictures?
Thanks Rob that is what I was looking for, my IA was not sure, I had seen pictures of them taped and with foam between them, made some phone calls and every one said to tape and keep the water out. Thanks again, Joe
When I redid the crate in 08, I used Super Viking rubber seal. That saved considerable effort. In fact,come to think of it, I used a good number of Viking improvements on the old crate. I think my best one was eliminating the longeron hand hold by using a Super Viking hand hold. Lynn the crate
Thanks Lynn, I have had the wings on and off a couple times, since my 40 ft door is not in the barn yet was hoping to do it this fall but it went from 90 to 30 in a couple days. I am resealing the tank doors right now and was thinking it would be quicker for installation with out the tape to the fuselage but once it is permantly together I think it is a better seal from moisture getting into the wing root.
A good deal of the cold air in my cockpit seems to be coming from leaks related to the wing root area under the seats. If I were working on my wings, I would pay some attention to sealing up the cabin to wing root area, and keeping the holes for fuel lines and control cables as small as possible.
Of course, in the summer I am way too hot and getting air flow in the cabin seems to be impossible.
Ralph, I saw one a few years ago that had viking front fairings with a vent entering the cabin, it sure kept that one cool on a 90 degree day.
On a hot day, I felt like Colonel Nicholson "Bridge on the River Kwai" I then learned to keep my Super Viking vent window open full time. That helped a good bit. Lynn the crate 8)
That tune is one serious ear worm! :lol:

tjbell, I am interested in where the vent was. I’m not all that familiar with the Viking vents.
Joe Santana had them on his plane, I think he said he got them from Dan Cullman that had them made up years ago out of fiberglass, they worked well on a 90 plus day in Ohio!