Wings again


New member
Hey all, I am getting close to having the fuselage complete on my 14-13. Before I install the boot cowl I have a question. As the airplane sits now the aileron cables were disconnected at the turnbuckles behind the instrument panel. I can see that once the boot cowl is installed that connecting and rigging could be somewhat back breaking. The only other option I see is to pull the cables out of the wings and run chase twine in place of the cables. I would then install the cables onto the turnbuckles behind the panel and just run them through the wings upon wing installation. Has anyone here done that, or is it just as easy to install the boot cowl now, leave the cables in the wings, run the cables from the wings into the fuselage upon wing installation and make the connections behind the panel? I also notice that someone has installed (post manufacture) inspection panels in the boot cowl for access to the vertical pulleys on either side of the control column.


Thanks. Cheers.

In removing some covering on the right wing of my 14-13 I notice a few soft spots on the top skin over the rear spar, just adjacent to the attach point. I will obviously be digging deeper in the coming days to determine if it is a skin condition or is more serious. I wanted to know if there are any wings out there for sale. My left wing is good but I'm starting to worry a bit about the right wing.

Thank all.


RT,This the infamous place for trouble in Bellanca wings..........under the wingwalk. This is why I don't allow 200+ pound folks gymnastics on my wing. This situation requires further investigation. If the fuel tank is not out, take it out. They should have been out and inspected during a rebuild, anyway. This way you can get a good look at the front of the rear spar. You can get a good look at the rear face of the spar with lamps and mirrors through the butt of the wing and sprocket inspection cover. If you are not sure of your examination skills, find someone. There should be no deterioration of the spar, reinforcing blocks, spar straps or bolts. NOW is the time to do this inspection! If repairs are required and there is no one local to help, I recommend the wingshop at the factory. Several of my friends have had wings repaired there. There is no guarantee in finding a replacement wing. Fix yours. Dan
Dan, thank you for your prompt reply. I had planned on pulling the tank this weekend and inspecting the front face of the rear spar. I notice that the skin overing this area is actaully not that big a piece, as there is a seam outboard from the root by a foot and a half or so. Do you have any experience in removing just this peice of skin for inspection and repacing with a new piece of wood?

Dan, I removed the tank just now and the spar actually looks amazing. Absolutely no signs of rot, either visually, tactily, or auditorily. In fact it is gorgeous. From what I can tell the skin in that area is the only piece that is soft. I will probably pull it off tomorrow night and replace with new, unless anyone here has a reason I shouldn't attempt to pull that skin off.

Does anyone have some insight to the aileron cable question above?

Thank you again to all.


I am happy for you that your wings are in good shape. I do know of a pair of wings that went through the factory several years ago and then the project was abandoned. A guy bought the project and I have been able to purchase numerous parts for my bird. He has the wings hanging on a rack in the back of his hanger and would like to sell them as a pair. I found him in the flymarket so I expect that he is still in it. The wings are in Tea,SD.
RT , on your original question about the aileron cables, you can thank your lucky stars that some previous owner put the inspection plates in the boot cowl. It should make the job much easier than normal. I changed an aileron cable 2 years ago and found that pulling it through the wing was fairly easy, but I spent several hours cussing trying to get it through the pulley and get the pulley back in place. A third hand or Xray vision would have helped, but with the inspection cover and someone on the outside you should have it easy. Dont forget that the Bellanca manual shows the aileron rigging backwards. I know of a Cruisair that was rebuilt according to the book , and was rolled into a ball on its first takeoff. The pilot wasnt hurt but he gave up flying. Good Luck with your plane. ____Grant.
Thank you Grant. As it sits now the wings are off and the cables are installed in the wings. With the knowledge that running them through the wings is relatively easy I will pull them out this weekend and install them into the fuselage and control column pulleys with the boot cowl removed. My guess is that I will still be adjusting the turnbuckles after wing installation but I think that will be easy conmpared with installing the cables and pulleys iwth the boot cowl installed.

