Winterize a 7ECA


New member
Cannot seem to find a "search" box on the sight. Looking for the best way to winterize a 7eca to keep the engine warm. Can anyone help me with this? I once seen a Citabria with a pilot controlled cowling flap. Is this available as a mod?

ACA sells a plate that covers the oil cooler. I have one on mine and still only get about 150-155 deg, on a 30 degree day. I was showing about 135-140 before that. The plate costs about 20.00. There was quite a bit of discussion on this subject a month or two ago. Let me see if I can find it and bring it to the top for your reading pleasure.

I have a search box, but there has been a lot of discussion on this subject. Many people don't seem to have a search box.

Here in Alaska we just have our A&P make a plate to partially cover the cyl inlet, reducing the amount of air. It worked great on my champ, now having them made for my 7GCBC. Im thinking about having the made so I can add or remove plugs to control temps even more percisely.
