Wood spar doubler question


New member
Last weekend we cut the wing top inspection holes in my 1965 Citabria wings to check what looked like a compression crack we saw with a borescope. That turned out to be a dust line. Phew!!!

However, we noted that several of the corners of the spar doublers were separating from the spar. We saw this in both wings on the front spar.

Has anyone seen this? Does anyone have any suggestions where to go from here?

A couple of photos.
View attachment 1

The doublers are to protect the spar where the strut fittings bolt on, so I would not think the separation would be a big problem. However I would talk to an expert wood spar guy.
You could send the pictures by email to Ron Piercy ronp@qosi.net His web site is
www.rainbowflying.com He deals with wood spars all the time.
Thanks for the reply. Yesterday I contacted a fairly local A & P who does a lot of wood plane restoration and he recommended working T88 into the affected areas, leaving some on the outer edges, then clamp. I then called ACA and their tech gave me the same advice. He seemed to agree with you that the edges being separated was not a major issue. I may still run it past Mr. Piercy.

What IS a major issue, is that the A/I who has been working on my annual informed me the other day that he would not sign off the wood spar wings no matter what I did. He just does NOT like wood spars, and he feels there is no way to comply with the letter of the AD. Since it's now well out of annual, it looks like I get a ferry permit to get it back home and have someone who is not spooked by the wood spars to finish the annual.

You definitely want the doubler bonded to the spar. I concur with whatever tech here said it. Glue and clamp with approved glue....or appropriate glue. (Approved glue might be something from the 1960s, haha)
I just got off the phone with Ron at Rainbow. After chiding me for not using his inspection port kits :oops: he basically echoed the recomendations that I had received previously. The only exception was he recommended resorcinol glue (approved glue from the 60's)rather than T88. Have to check on that as I understand resorcinol is a real pain to work with.
Latest update.

I got a ferry permit and flew my Citabria to my home airfield last Friday. My friend who is an A & P (Not IA) and a Citabria and Champ owner will assist me with the completion of the inspection windows and gluing the doublers.

While reinstalling the engine, a significant crack in one of the exhaust pipes was found just below the flange. After getting my baby home, my dad and I removed the exhaust pipes and I'm sending them to Wag Aero for repair.

SO! After the exhaust is returned and reinstalled, and the wing spar doublers are reglued and the inspection windows are completed, I hope to get a local IA to work with me and my A & P/ Citabria owner friend to complete an annual.

Oh, the joys of owning an airplane. :roll:


I have purchased exhaust risers from these folks. Shipped quick and inexpensive.

Thanks for the link Ron. I called them this morning and unfortunately, they do not have the pipes for the Citabria with the Continental O-200.

Mine are boxed up waiting on UPS pick up heading to Wag Aero.
