Wood spar failures


New member
Does anyone have any solid and accurate numbers on how many wing failures that have occured on wood spar Citabrias. How many were fatal. I'm speaking of structural not related to a ground loop or other accident. I'm trying to get a feel for how truly prevelent this may be. I.e. amount per 100 aircraft. I'm hopeing that someone already has these numbers without me having to drudge through the FAA's Malfunction and Defect report website. I curently own a 7KCAB with wood. The plane has new spars and poly fiber as of 93 on both wings. The plane has passed the AD every yr during annual so far. I'm currently taking airbatics instruction in a Great Lakes and would like to transition to my plane for some of the fun. Any help would be appreciated. Ciao ET
I spent a lot of time looking at the accident data base. The failures I saw were from over stressing the plane.
