Wood Wing Spar Drill Jigs

David Johnson

New member
Does anyone have any info or photos of the jig Aeronca/Champion/Bellanca used to drill the wood wing spars with? I am looking for any ideas to do the job right. We originally used an old spar and set drill bushings in it for a jig. We have found over the years that wood moves a little. Looking to make one out of aluminum. My biggest problem is the 3/4, 7/8, and 1" bushing holes. If you don't keep close tolerances then fittings don't go on correctly. Did they use gang drills or jigs with bushings? If the large holes were drilled with bushings, what type of bit did they use? We have always used forstner bits, but they are too short for bushings. Any ideas or photos greatly appreciated. Thanks, David Johnson