14-13 Door

Gary Brink

New member
What do 1413s have on the door to keep it from hitting the wind screen? Is there a strap on them? I looked at a 1419 and it has a rod in the bottom of the door to stop it's travel. My 1413 has nothing.
Originally they had a folding stop, like the hinged top of a phonograph had. These are a common hardware store item, usually found brass plated. Each end has a moveable mounting tab that allows two #10 or 3/16 screws for attachment.
Dan Cullman said:
Originally they had a folding stop, like the hinged top of a phonograph had.

What's a phonograph? I think I heard my grandfather talking about a phonograph once but I couldn't see why anyone would want to graph telephones...

wait, I'll google it.

Dan, I may have the part, but have been making do with my own kludgy door stay. I have an extra door, and will check out to see if I have the part when I get home. And traveling now.
What I would like to see is the installation drawing if one exists. Thanks!
I would also be very interested in part #'s / dwgs. I've been using a strap to keep from over opening, but does nothing to keep from getting whacked when the wind blows the door shut.
I did look at the brass part and I think it will do a good job of keeping the door from over rotating. I also suspect that it probably will not survive a good gust of wind trying to close the door but that remains to be seen.
gosh the rod and track in the 14-13-2 is so much more elegant, and gotta be stronger than
the Edison machine gizmo.

are you being tres original ?

If so, I have a heap of worn out parts to sell you :lol:
Complete with N number !
Unfortunately, I haven't seen a 1413 with the "rod and track". They are in the 1419 series but I don't think they were ever in the 1413s. However, I may be wrong.........but I don't think so. :D
The device I mentioned works great to maintain the door in a position to get people/cargo into the plane and will prevent hyperextending. It has a small detent to maintain position. However, a gust from the front can collapse and cause the door to slam shut. Originally the 14 series Bellancas had a small aluminum plate just outside the door catch to prevent the handle from damaging the fabric if this happened.
Another somewhat related Cruisair door hint!!! Many Cruisairs that I have seen have window sash locks on the bottom of the door to keep our old flexible doors from pulling out into the wind-stream at cruise speed. The Cruismaster solved that by having a rod that connected to the door handle and extended down into the bottom sill when the handle was in the closed position. It is out of sight and usually never noticed. I have a Cruisair door that has been modified to do the same thing, so it can be done. I have not taken the door apart, but I suspect that it is just a slightly different bellcrank on the inside of the door. For anyone doing a door rebuild or repair, it might be a nice addition to a Cruisair. _______Grant.
Grant, I have a fairly nice door and Dan is sending me parts/ and/or instructions for installing it that will keep the door from opening too far. Please look on the fly market as I am looking for a couple of parts that you may have.
In addition to the window sash lock on the bottom of the door, my 14-13-2 has a latch and catch at the top - over the co-pilot's head. Is three locks typical of a Cruisair door - or is this top latch an add-on? Often this overhead latch moves on it's own to the closed position when the door is open. If you don't notice and try to shut the door you bend stuff.
Grant, since you are on the site I'll just ask you here instead of going to the fly market. I need the small metal cover for the trim tab in a1413-2. It has a single screw near each end. I also need a cover for my fuel selector valve. I don't know what it looks like but there was obviously one there at one time. Do you have these items? My email is garylbrink@yahoo.com.
Ok.....I am home and can help with the door hardware I talked about. Speak up and send the stuff and info
at cost.