14-9 stick location and install need pix


New member
I am looking for a couple of photos of the stick instalation in a 14-9 if any one could supply such a thing it would be much appreacited.
Why? Do you think you can put that system in a 14-13? Yes, it has been done on one airplane, about 30 years ago.
Well yes that is the idea I am doing a ground up and intend to make a junor with an 0290 on it and would like to put the sticks in. do you know where I could get pix or drawings?
OK, are you planning to modify your 14-13? Do you have a 14-9 project? If you are going to try to modify a 14-13 to sticks, better contact the local FSDO or DAR. I know this could be done. Depends on your FSDO and your persistance. How do I Know????? I have three flyable pre-war Bellancas with STICKS and four more as projects. If you get really serious and do the groundwork with the FSDO/DAR, I'll give you all the photos you can stomach. PS., The NASM does have the drawings. Dan
Well I am trying to meet the 51 % rule for a home buit. I have scrap wings and rotten fussalge that I have been welding on for a year or so. the wings are the big part of the project and will take the most expense. the more I fabricate the better for the project so I want to fab the sticks from scratch has I am doing many of the parts. the photos would be a big help in this endevor. when I went and picked up my project from CA. I had the intention to bring it back the way it was attitude however it is impracticable to salavage this project. I have desided to make a modern style two piece cowl and place a lycoming 0-290 on for fuel econmy and less weight. I do have a lot of good parts however all of the wood is junk spars are rotten 1/3 way up the wing, ribs and skin are not much better. I am using the wings has patterns and will build new from scratch and use the orignal hardwear that is still good. I have talked to a local DAR and he does not have a problem with it has long has it is no longer a 14-13 and I prove 51% is mine. So I have always wanted a plane with sticks and if this gets built I would like to have sticks. thanks.
you might want to talk with Morris in Redbluff who has wings for sale (14-19) Unless you really like working with wood or are willing to accept that your labor is worth 25 cents an hour, buying good wings might get you in the air a few years faster.
If you are going to build wings, or buy wings, the single most important thing is to mount the fuel tanks from the bottom and double the thickness of the ply in the wing walk area. The factory started doing this sometime in the 70s or 80s because the history is that more Bellancas have died from leaky tank covers than any other reason. Since you are going experimental it should be easy and a big improvement in life span. The factory may even sell a kit to do this. I have a dozen Cruisair wings in my barn and most of the right hand wings have spar rot from leaky tank covers/wing walks. If you are concerned with weight you might not want to buy 14-19 wings, since they are 60 to 80 pounds heavier than 14 13 wings. They have thicker ply and fewer ribs and are smoother, but weigh more. If you are still in the welding stage I have many ideas on small mods to make a Cruisair more comfortable without affecting safety. Grant.
Ok. This is going to be my last post on this topic. If you are not going to restore a Bellanca, with all the parts you have........then sell them or give them away and go with a homebuilt that has sticks. I doubt you'll ever succeed with your project and if you ever did, it will be the the most godawful bastard!
Thanks for the encouragement. This is what is wrong with avaition today. its a good thing your old because you wont have to see the end to this endevor that we all presue. I am looking for ways to stay in avaition and weather you think this is good or bad it is my intention. I see that this type club was a bad idea and I think because of attitudes like this I will see the day that there won't be any antiques out there because no one will be able to afford to keep them flying. I have had certified antiques for the last 18 years and it has always been a fight to keep them in annual. I would like to beable to keep one flying has long has I can keep a medical. I see that none of you have the same kind of middle class problems keeping a hobbie like this. My Pacer is a question every year at annaule it will need an overhaul before long, and the 15 grand it will take will be hard to come up with all at once. So my bastard project may not be your cup of tea but I am doing what I think will keep me in the air safely in the long run. also there is not a kit out there that will have the wide range of speed from slow to fast to operate out of my short grass strip. So again thanks for the encouragement.
Before you get your knickers in a twist about the discouragement from us oldies, do please recall the old saying about old and bold pilots. All us oldies were young once and full of ideas. I wish I had listened to a few more old folks when I was young. Unfortunately, no one can give someone a "moment of clarity" Sometimes we all have to make mistakes. I think part of the learning curve is to learn to listen to those with experience. I am not necessarily one with experience in aviation matters, but Dan Culman very much is.
I don't claim to know everything about avaition. But and a big but I am trying to be a bit of an inovatior taking the best parts of a wonderful design and clean up the airframe lighten it up to what a 14-7 weighed out of the factory and and keep the speed without frills or the fuel burn. I always listen when someone offers help not when someone that does not even know me or what I am attempting. I think that joining this club was not a very good idea for me. I also will tell you that Giuseppi Bellanca was an inovatior and was always looking for better ideas and way of doing things. I am all for the showplane antique winner I however am looking for a better way to go for my pocket book. I wish I had never asked for something so simple has a photo of a stick instalation. This has just soured me to your club. :( :( :( :(
Sorry but you can't expect any type club to endorse a project that bastardize the subject of that club. The homebuilt clubs would see this as a great project but not here. This is not just true with a few old grumpy Bellanca guys. Go propose to do the same on the Luscome, Ercoupe, etc site and see what reception you get. It is true that most old aircraft are custom is some way and not any two are alike but to totally destroy one and remove it from the FAA registry is not of the best interest on any type club and rubs the members of that club the wrong way.

In defense of our dear modifier, it sounds like the 14-13 he is taking off the roles is not flyable and there are not many willing to try to bring a derelict 14-13 back to life. He indicates the spars are rotten and most/many of the ribs and covering wood is shot. So essentially he is using derelict wings to serve as a model for wings built mostly from scratch. If his goal is to have fun making an airplane, wonderful! I just hope he doesn't think this is a shortcut to making an airplane.
Thanks for the encouragement. Short cut oh my gosh not even a chance it is a daunting task however I think I will end up with something unnique and I hope a testimate to the Bellanca b airfoil and what came before I am able to use much of the fuslage with lots of new tubing added and some changes. I am looking at using the rotten wings has a pattern although I am talking with a man who has built many wooden wings in his 60 years in avaition. I am trying to lighten the load and I am thinking of using a 14-7 style of wing with the leading edge the only ply wood and compression struts and wire brases put back. however without a wing or drawing to look at I may be going back all 14-13. Has I said I was much dissapointed after getting back from San Diago Ca. with it. that was a long trip for a rusted up rotten airframe. that is when a freind suggested the experimental root. this will allow some substitutions of materials such has Doug fer for the spars Mine are patterns only after getting the splice info form the club and seeing that the rot is too deep and to far out the wing. The experimental root also alows me to get rid of some of the more draggy aspects like the eyebrows & flat area on the nose, and to fair the gear in. I have already purchaced a mount for an 0-290 off of a 14-9 and have the paperwork to look at has well. I figure this to be a 5 + year project.
Dang! I was hoping this would turn into an informative discussion because I can't tell you just how much I'd prefer to have sticks in my 14-19 instead of those little yokes. It's taken seven years to turn my former hangar queen into a solid, flying airplane, thus I'm not about to muck with it anytime soon. And if I ever do muck with it I'd do so for practical reasons relevant to flight controls ideal for me as mine cannot be standard.

What we get is something wholly uninformative. Our guru grumbles and the fellow who asked the question pulls a YouTube "You're OLD," as if that is reason enough to dismiss opinion.

As someone pointed out, the "You're old, so you don't matter," argument might carry the day in all sorts of contemporary forums and arenas but in aviation it's "You're old, so I'm really going to listen to what you have to say." It's not merely etiquette; it's basic common sense. Here, our elders have earned the right to get snippy with us. Sometimes we deserve it, sometimes we don't, but they might very well save our lives even if we have to swallow our pride on occasion.

You know what they say about opinions & a-holes . Everybody has one.

I modified a Swift and put in sticks. All who fly it love it . The most improtant opinion is the one who paid me to do the work. The man that ownes the airplane !

Now Jonathan , do we really need to dance around the Luscombe / Cessna (so called) history ? I would like to get to see you but not to have to kick your backside.
Uh....Joe.....I was speaking of my Bellanca....MY...BELLANCA. You know, firsthand, the advantages sticks afford me over yokes.

Yeah, I was a jerk about the Luscombe/Cessna 140 thing in another topic, thus I can see why you'd think that, perhaps, I was bringing it here. All I ask is that you call me a jerk in the correct topic :)

I'm not calling anyone a jerk or anything else. I'm just saying opinions vary.

I remember well the conversations at da Hill of Cessna's & Luscombe's while sipping a few cold frosty's.

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I am wondering why an 0-290 hell a 165 isn't enough horse power for the airframe. Might as well have performer instead of a turd....Greg