Aeromatic propeller

guzziduck said:
What kind of climb numbers can you get with your aeromatic? I also have a '46 with a 165 , cruise at about 130 mph throttled back to 2400 rpm can see 140 wide open . I find the cruise acceptable but climb is pretty slow, 500 fpm about the best, 300 more common. Would like to change prop to get better climb but hate to lose speed.The aeromatic sounds good, but have heard some not so good reports also, sounds like you were getting pretty good results from your fix
ed pitch steel prop,mabee thats the way to go. Prop I'm using now is wood Sensenich 74RR66
Thanks, Richard

Had the same prop as you, from the 150 on my 165. Needed LSTC to get it aproved because it does not show on the TC that it can go on the 165. Was it ever fast, in a cool day near freezing, calm crispy air, alone with half tank, I saw number on airspeed and GPS that some laughed at me when I told them, They didn't laugh as much when I passed them in their Grumman Tiger, they were looking like going backward. And he was doing a bit over 140. Anyway, that being said, it's now hanging on the wall in my living room, it's like brand new, Had my small wife, and 5 year old girl on board, my 240 lbs of meat and 3/4 fuel and took off in little cross wind, used the whole 2400 feet runway and passed over the barn at the end at about 50 feet with 100 fpm climb, scared myself, no more, I put back my 76X55, lost 25 m.p.h on top end until I get an aeromatic. This was the way the bird was designed. But I"d rather go slower a bit than scaring myself. I fly for fun... :wink:
alfybill said:
I put one on my Cruiseair and love it. As nead as I can tell, I gained about 300fpm on takeoff and about 7 mph in cruise over the metal fixed pitch I had. I'm getting a shorter takeoff roll, too because the engine turns 2550 from the instant I advance the throttle.


What's your cruise Bill?
I sent off my old Aeromatic (retired due to wood rot) to Kent Tarver and will post the results when I get the new one installed.
I went to Kent Tarvers shop in Nevada last Saturday and got to look at Bernie Ferrie,s brand new Aeromatic. What a thing of beauty! I had always thought that an Aeromatic should be gloss black or it would not look correct. Bernie,s is clear fiberglass (looks like varnish) and it looks great. Kent does very nice work.____Grant.
Hi Guys
Yes I'm the lucky owner of a lovely new aeromatic prop. Kent has done an outstanding job of making a new prop for me. He knows his stuff and produces top quality propellers. This propeller looks so good I feel like it should be in a museum.
I have flown my Cruisair with a fixed pitch wooden prop and an aeromatic and I love the aeromatic!!!
Hey, if your worried about the lag screws you should see how long they are!!! and each blade has 15 ( i think - lots anyway).
Kent has lots of information on his web site : it is well worth a read. It is how I found out he was making them again.