Antique Instrument Overhaul


New member
Hi Guys!
A few months ago, somebody mentionned about a business, in Texas I think, that were overhauling old instument. My 3 in 1 gauge with oil press and temp and fuel pressure is Kaput. I can't get oil temp anymore. I by passed this one for now but would like to bring back to original.
Anyone recall this topic we had? or the business in Texas?


Century Instrument
4440 Southeast Blvd.
Wichita, KS 67210


I have had them repair, calibrate and repaint the face on a number of instruments, including the 3-in-1.

My choice is:
Kansas Instrument
119 South Balitimore
Derby, Kansas 67037
Good Price and service, I have never been disappointed Lynn N9818b :mrgreen:
Well, too bad, Century won't do it because of that radian sh#t. They don't do it anymore.
I will try Kansas.

Did the Kansas outfit agree to do it, Alain?

Indeed the Radium paint is scary if you think about it, but it does - as they used to say after WWII, after people became aware of radioactive things - glow in the dark. It's no real danger to us pilots, but it was cruel indeed to those workers who applied it, often touching the tip of their tongues to the brush, between strokes to keep the tip of the brush smart. There was no malevolence involved by factory owners; people simply didn't know. But it was a sad chapter in aviation history nonetheless. Who could have imagined that something that looked so wondrous could be so dangerous.

Yes your absolutely right Jonathan, And now these days, when they have to remove that old glowing paint, it probably has to be disposed the proper way, all kind of regulation to go by and the wearing of all the protective equipment, no really, I was not mad at all. It I don't find a way to fix it I will just change it and adapt something, maybe redo the panel with 3 separated instruments. It worth more doing that than keep on trying to poison somebody. I know about it, I was painter before. Auto, industrial and then aicraft. And we did not always had the proper gears. I am lucky to be here. I had my share of working with chemicals and breathing them. About the sequel, Don't know yet. But so far so good. And no glowing tong :wink:

Hey thought I'd let you know, I am looking into a nose art for the Cruisair. Stay tuned.

So Kansas said no as well, i take it.

Were I not firmly convinced that you're a man of taste, your comment about adding nose art would have frightened me, even though I have no business being frightened, as it's not my airplane. It's just that I've seen too many visual atrocities perpetrated by otherwise sensible pilots upon their aircraft. As I hope many of us will gather for The Triple Tail Tour later this year, I should probably shut up about this :)

"Well, yes, I think your perfectly horrendous Flying Tiger shark nose treatment on what had been a beautiful Cruisair is a wonderful touch, sir. Bravo! :roll: Thanks to your magnificent taste, you've saved me from purchasing a fifty dollar lunch here at Oshkosh. Not to mention the not inconsiderable sum to be made writing yet another diet book - this one revealing a new approach entirely! Now, if you will excuse me, I think I see a Cessna Cardinal RG over there with an original mustard yellow Royalite interior. I'm feeling quite nauseous and I need a place to deposit my vomit."

Uh...I hope people know I was KIDDING. One of our members has indeed painted his Cruisair in Chenault's AVG P-40 nose scheme, and I thought it was nifty to be honest. I hope it makes it on the tour.

JB, that was a 58 Cruisemaster the guy messed with the paint. Saw it at EAA in Ohio what a mess. Sure did a number on the looks. I guess that paint job lowered the price at least 15 grand! Lynn and his disasembled crate :mrgreen:
One of them said no, the other wanted the part or model number before accepting. I will know more monday as I have the instrument on my desk, went to get it our of there yesterday.

As for nose art, no worry, it will be something low profile and classy. I am still looking.
I believe there was a photo of the thing in one of BC newsletter issues, Lynn. Although I can all too easily get on a rant about terrible airplane color schemes ("I don't give a DAMN if it's S*CKED then, and it S*CKS now!") that one was just so...out there, that it left me mute - a rare and curious sensation for me. It's like criticising what people at a party are wearing, and all of a sudden a guy walks in dressed in a banana costume.
For vintage instrument repair I recommend Keystone Instrument Service in Lockhaven, PA. 570-748-7083. I deal with lots of '20s and 30's instrument and they can repair most of them. They had a radium disposal issue a while back. I think they overcame that problem. I've removed my own radium many times-now my garbage can glows at night. Dan Cullman '28 Bellanca CH
Thanks for the info Dan.

Yes Jonathan, I knew what you were talking about. :lol: And this guy in a Banana suit! was is drunk? :lol:
Little update.

Century won't do it because of the Radon dial number. toxic

Kansas are not sure because of the capillary (big deal, have to send it out and blah blah,,,)and they quoted me 700.00$ plus. Maybe, we'll see

Keystone, I sent pics and e-mail yesterday, they will come back with a quote but from the conversation I had, it look looked it was not uncommon work.

Yeah Dan but the 2 other gauges in the instrument would get checked and they would re do the faces dials. Would really be like brand new.
I'll post what they quote me. 700.00 was Kansas Instr.

Stau tuned!!! :wink: