Cruisair Gear

Well, I didn,t went as far. Just measured the front of the wheels and the back. At the rims.They are little closer in the front. like maybe 1/8'' or little less but I did it fast. They are really not toe out. Did the same exercise on a C-120 beside mine and a Champion. It is also visible but could be visual effect. can't rely just on visual.
I didn't go further, I had no time and it was just to fulfill my curiosity. :wink:
Take your siccors and the bolts to a machine shop and ask them to install new bushing and reem them to fit the bolts.( tell them they are close tolerance bolts) The bushing stock used for the gear is a standard bushing. If they ask it goes to a buggy you are making. Make sure you check the main bushing at the wing spare. They should not move either. The bolt for that( if you call it a bolt. nuts on both ends) will only come out in one direction. If you do the siccors do the main ones to. It will make a world of difference if they are loose :lol: :lol: :lol:
I thought my bushings were worn but then I tried to put a new bolt in them and they would not fit. Looks like it is the bolts that are worn. I had to ream out the bushing so the new bolts would fit. Now I need to dill them for the grease fitting.

I found the chevron seals at a local seal supplier. Now what to fill them with. I can't find straight 10 weight oil so I guess I will use 5606.

I am finally getting this gear back together. I stopped at NAPA and the had some hydraulic oil that is 10 eight so I am going to use that. How are you supposed to get to the upper fill plug? It is up in the wing leading edge when the gear is down.

You can get 10wt shock oil at motorcycle shops. Don't know about it's approval for airplanes.

Make sure you push the plane forward some inches each time you measure. Any play in the gear and/or bearings will change the toe as the airplane travels backwards or forward.

I don't have the faintest idea what the proper toe setting is, but I would be shocked if it were more than 1/16th and wouldn't be surprised if it was the smallest amount your could measure to insure you had toe in, not toe out. I'm now curious to find out what the experts say...
I looked at it again and it looks like the inner cylinder is below the bottom plug in the front of the outer cylinder when the gear is fully extended so I assume I can just fill from the front hole until the fluid is even with the hole?

Go to the Handbook page 3 left side half way down . Its starts out Check oil level in the main gear oleo strut. Just about all the service questions are answered in the book.
Use an oil can and a hose and you can fill the strut with the gear all the way extended. :lol: :lol: :lol: