Help! My 14-13-2 project is at a stand still.

Gary Brink

New member
I have taken my landing gears apart and I need the large man seals.
Any ideas out there where I can locate them?
I got mine from a local hydraulics shop but they still leek. When I was at OSH I talked to Jim Greene and I think he told me that he had or knew someone that had better ones but I have not had time to call him about them yet.

Gary, do you mean the chevron seals(earlier models) or the o-rings (later models)? I got the chevrons at a hydraulic house too. However, when I actually opened up the LG, I found that they were O-rings. Fortunately for me, the O-rings (MS 28775-328 & -330) were also readily available.
I don't remember what the part number was for the chevron seals, but am sure that if you take them with you, they will match them up.?? Good luck! Larry
Thanks for your replies. I guess I am talking about the Chevron seals because they are not O rings. There is a place in Minneapolis that will custom make nearly anything like this as well as having literally thousands of O rings in stock. I will take a couple of the Chevron seals to them next week and see if they have them in stock or can duplicate them. If I do get some, I will post the name, address, price, and phone number on this forum.

On another note, my tail wheel also had the Chevron seals and I replaced them with O rings but have not had the entire weight of
the complete airplane (plus a couple of rough landings) on them yet. Will they leak or do I look for Chevron seals for the tail wheel?
I can't find ANY replacement seals here in Huntsville.
Gary- is there any chance you could get TWO sets and let me buy one off you? I'll gladly pay you for your trouble plus the seals of course!
If so, please contact me: cruisair"at"
If you don't have any luck, you could send me one of your old ones, and I could try the place I got them before...a hundred or so years ago. Larry
Dave, if I can get them at all, I will get two sets. We will never be able to replace them with original because the original seals were made from reindeer leather. (My wife said, "Oh, that why they can fly!") I did get tail wheel packing from this outfit and they seem to be holding OK.
Well let's see, Gary...

The ONLY reference to Reindeer leather I've ever heard was in your post. Then...then...I had some questions:

1. Will Santa stop giving your kids presents if you use it?

2. Do you ever tell your kids that a hunk of Rudolf's cousin on your airplane?

3. And, speaking of Rudolf, if you killed him, skinned him, and used his hide to cover your wings, will your aircraft just engine needed, just a red light or two?

I'm kidding of course. I've never examined nor replaced a single seal on my triple tail. Instead I've gone broke paying for others to go deer hunting. I hope they were good at it because they did a gawdawful job on my airplane :cry:

Seriously, the "old timers" who worked for Bellanca in better days say that the leather seals were actually reindeer leather. I don't know what was in the 260 Bellanca bacause that was the first one built in Alexandria, but the tripple tails leather is supposed to be reindeer leather. (And I don't know why or how they decided on reindeer when there are so many rabbits, squirrels, chipmonks, etc. :) )
Clearly, Gary, I don't get it either...boy have I made *that* clear.

Small correction: the first aircraft with the Bellanca name (actually it was initially under the company owner - Downer's - name) made in little soda was the 14-19-2 or, as many call it, the Bellanca 230. It was also, as I may have said up or down topic, the final four place certificated conventional landing gear aircraft made in the United States. Afterward the world was overcome by the <insert echo and reverb>...pavement people. Still I wouldn't kick a Navion out of my hangar.

Yes, you are correct and I should have known that. I am restoring a 14-13-2 and have been able to get a number of parts from Alex Aviation that fit both the 14-13-2 and the 14-19-2. In fact the fabric envelope that I purchased (from Spruce) has the same part number for both models. :lol:
If I were REALLY filthy-rich here's what I would own:

Bellanca 14-13-2
Howard DGA 11 or 15P
GC1B Globe Swift
Cessna 310C
Beech T50 "T-bone"
NA SNJ-4 or T-6G
F4U-1D Corsair or FG-1D
Casa Saetta HS200
F9F-5 Panther
Meyers 200D
Taperwing Waco of some kind

Now, realistically I hope to own my Bellanca and a Howard one day.

p.s. My tailwheel packing was a strip of greased plumber's rope. It works EXTREMELY well, but I can't find any evidence that it's original.
A couple of months ago we attended a fly-in hog BBQ on a private grass strip owned by a farmer in our EAA. I rode down with a friend in his 41" Stearman, which won first place in its class in 06' Osh Kosh.
But there were three Howards there. All were owned by the same man and they were REALLY cool. Lots of old planes! :D
Probably due to the fashion of top [fill in a number] lists, I tend to shy away from "If I were a rich man..." lists. So many aircraft make you ache to own one, but damn didn't Jessica Alba look delicious in Sin City if you know what I mean :)

Best wolf call :D
Wonder if she'd pose for some nose art :wink:
Understandable about the list, but hey- a fella can dream right?

I wonder where one would get reindeer leather :?: