New Member Intro

Welcome Rodney
Above all the knowledge on this forum , you will find great humour and friendship.

The term, lurker, has been used in the pejorative sense since the online days prior to public access to the Internet - back when people used online services such as CompuServe, GEnie, and Prodigy. Back then, and probably now, fewer than 15% of forum readers ever posted. Those posting tried to bring them out by, in effect, calling them cowards. Nowadays here are so many people offering opinions on so many things this sort of thing no longer applies.

I hated it to begin with. I prefer to call people who would prefer not to post, Readers :)

I was the one who started the "crickets" thread, Alain. It worked :!:

It's not so much that people have excess time on their hands. The problem with life these days is that nobody has time to do much of anything really. I do most of my posting from work. As a well practiced blabber mouth, it takes me no time at all really. Too often it shows :lol:

If you are worried about how to replace the spars (expensive), then maybe you should contact Morris who advertises a 14-19-2 project in the for flymart section of this site. He is an A and P and started a restoration on a plane that was a bit too run down. He has done the wings, but he has sold a bunch of parts off the plane (including FWF) and I doubt if it will ever fly again. I have been to his hangar in Red Bluff and glanced at the wings (but didn't inspect them) , but I suspect he is "motivated" to sell them. Just sticking new finished wings might be the way to go. There is a fellow in Livermore who bought the FWF and he might have taken a better glance at the wings. Peter
The wings Morris have LOOK good and he has them in his shop in wing racks. I was too busy looking for other parts to pay much attention, but he stated that they checked out OK. The spar end cracks being within tolarance :?:

I would do a very good inspection however, not that Morris trying to pull anything, but one of the upper gear struts I bought was unusable do to corrosion and pitting after I got it cleaned up and bead blasted.

Morris IS wanting to sell the remainder of his aircraft :!:

This is funny because I too have seen Morris Campbell's 'Master wings. My friend Russell was having a look and I tagged along.

If more folks pop up with reported sightings of these wings this will topic should change its name to "I am Spartacus!"

Hi Peter, I talked to Morris about his wings some time ago. His price was OK but he couldn't tell me much about the condition of the spars...and didn't seem interested in taking photographs for me. :?

If the deal in Alaska collapses I will likely give him another call.

This posting stuff can get tricky :eek:

Jonathan, have you seen Morris' wings...I mean the wings of his 'Master?

Sorry - it was an obtuse joke, Phil.

Yes, I too have seen these wings you have seen because a friend of mine was seeing these wings, as others have on this forum as well :)

These are some really seen wings. I hope the scrutiny of our collective gazes didn't damage them any.

Wings of his 'Master...that's funny :!:

Darn, this posting really is tricky!

Alain, thanks for the welcome...I have a Citabria about the same red as your Cruiseair. :)

Monty, thanks for the info. When I bought 'Master 2012 I was assured that the spars were in great shape. It was a flying aircraft so there was no chance to visually inspect them. Flew it home; into the shop, pulled the wings and started with the restoration of the fuselage, (it's now in a thousand pieces). After about a month my AME suggested we take a look at the spars...I tried to discourage him without success. I wish there was some way to post pictures on this site. ..very sobering :(

Jonathan...Spartacus? Does he post here?

Arrrgh! I feel like Charley Brown trying the kick the football. :oops:

You Spartacus reference was not that daughter caught it right off. I needed reminding. :cry:

Morris is an A and P and he "restored the wings. I would expect he would have good spars or he wouldn't have bothered. There is a guy at the Livermore Airport (not redsky) who is restoring a 14-19-2 and he bought the FWF from Morris. He is very good with details, and he might have looked at the wings. If someone at Livermore (hint, hint) could find him and get his opinion it could help. Another possibility would be to hire an A and P from Red Bluff airport to go out and inspect the work (the plane is in a storage facility about ten minutes from the airport) The problem is that "checking" is permitted at the butts of the spars and where checking stops and cracks begin is unclear to me. Is it the depth??? I wish someone would educate me on this fine point.
Total side note here, but I read your mention of Red Bluff. I am originally from Corning, where I learned to fly, just 15 miles south. I flew a Cruiseair that was for sale out of Red Bluff but passed on it. I don't remember the seller's name right off, but it would be easy to look up. I hope to fly my plane out to Corning sometime next year for the flight experience and to do some flying in that region. We can hit on it then and maybe make a meeting with some of you folks in that NorCal area.
If you're flying to Northern California next year, wait until June when all the bellancas get together in Columbia. Details to follow on this website.
Cracked spars are not necessarily dead. If there is no dry rot the cracks can be filled with long splinters of of spruce shoved into them with a good structural epoxy. Wouldn't hurt to add some shreadded fiberglass. But be sure and check for innergranular corrosion on the aluminum straps. I also change the aluminum bolts to steel ones.

Also you will need an IA that is not intimidated by wood.

Yea, I know I can't spell.

Wow, I have been flying my Cruisemast since 2003 and I did not know that this site exhisted. I fly N8841R a 1960 Cruisemaster 14-19-3 with the IO-470. I absolutely love the bird and fly it every chance I get. I am based out of Brainerd MN. I had the bird on the market for around a year and figured out that it would break my heart to sell it. I have upgraded the bird with a Garmin GNS 430, modern backlit instruments, and a JPI-700. Looking very forward to the resouces within this site and talking about flying the best wing known to man.