Recovering fuselage

They do take up alot of space, but you can go to:
Takes only a few min to setup free account then you can post a direct link to the pictures.


One of the best Club benefits is access to some interesting reprints of some serious information. I'd hate for you to spend the money and have to read my silly tomes in each issue :roll:

What I like about being able to post pictures is being able to see what and how others are doing with their airplanes. Being able to swap ideas and techniques . I have recovered dozens of airplanes but each one is a little different. I got an email from a 14-19 owner that says he saw the drip pan beneath the hydraulic pack and his airplane didn't have one. With these old airplanes the manufacturing process and materials changed almost daily. They used what was on hand and / or available at the time. It's a bummer to see something you wished you had done well after the fabric is on and the process is too far along to change or add it.

Type clubs I belong to:
Globe Swift foundation, Cessna 120/140 , Cub Club, Super Cub , Short wing Piper, Cessna 170 club, Navion Society, EAA Chapter 187.
I subscribe to :
EAA, Vintage Aircraft, AOPA, AMT

I'm sure I left some out.
