
There is some funny stuff going on - I'm eliminating them one by one. Excellent software but pretty complicated.

Jerry: Try it now after clicking on "Delete all board cookies" below and refreshing your browser.
Same for me deleted cookies and still no search box :cry:
Amazingly the search box comes up in the Champ forums but not here. :)
Tried going to this address to search:

but it says that I am not permitted to search. Are there specific user/group settings to enable search?

IMHO, interest in this forum has substantially dwindled due to the inability to search for the wealth of information it contains.

Please help!
"IMHO, interest in this forum has substantially dwindled due to the inability to search for the wealth of information it contains."

Agreed. Your other option is to use the CitabriaPilots forum on Yahoo groups. Search works very well there.
I just joined and I too am looking for the search feature.......It is terrible that this cannot be resolved....I am trying to buy a citabria and was really hoping this forum would help answer some questions..........

I run a website similar to this one and can promise you that when the users suggest a feature I always add it right away and I certianly would never dissable the search function.

Please PM me when the search is working.....