The Triple Tail Tour

Jonathan Baron

New member
Okay, I've had enough - enough - of this. We need an air force, people. We sit here hoping, like kids at Christmas, that something we want will come along to elevate our sine qua non winged machines to their proper status. Until we show ourselves, however, nobody will give a damn about our most able aircraft, and nobody buying a pile of god-knows-what on Ebay is going to be motivated to complete their projects. Oh sure, we can know amongst ourselves our little secret about these airplanes and feel sly and wise. A great load of good that will do us while GA runs for boring cover.

It's time for an air tour, boys. Mike - I know you're lurking - and Larry - I know you're "retired" - and Randy - I know you'll do most anything worth doing - and Lynn - you've been worrying me lately - all of you: all of you, let's do something.

During the doldrums of this winter, let's put together a wing. Let's choose our venues. Everybody knows the "I want to sell my oddball airplane" drill: you make the tour, and place the ad. Let's sell our airplanes but keep them. Let's sell them by wanting people to want us to sell them. And we'll turn them down, each in our own way.

We know where our raids should strike. Let's choose a precious few that will make a difference. Yeah, we'll do others, but we need The Triple Tail Wing at the majors. Not one or two, but ten.

I'm in. I'll even endure Poberville or that crap fly-in that has the silly name in the south. Hey, Russell is doing my hydraulics...I'd better do SOMETHING to pay him respect.

Who's in?

Yes JB continue to worry. I have had my crate to the best airshows in the country OSH, Blakesburg, Lee Bottom etc.The 5 yrs that I have owned it. I've been parked with Ercoupes (What kind of plane is that) and put in the back row. I have seen a few others that have their Bellancas at different shows------VERY FEW!! I have been there, I have done my part! So continue to worry as it isn't out there and it's dying a slow death. I have now embarked on the long awaited covering journey so the Crate is out of the picture and the pasture till I complete this voyage. GOD speed Lord willin and the creek don't rise. There is always the unexpected. LYNN :cry:
There is strength in numbers, if we weren't all at different ends of the country. But what do I know, I'm new at all of this. I do embrace the spirit and intent!
The West Coast Bellanca club fly-in has the highest concentration of triple-tails that I've ever seen. Maybe more folks should make the trip over the mountains?

Unfortunately it is just showing to folks who already have a Bellanca...
So let me see, we complain that we don't want to go to OSH "Poberville" or Sun-N-Fun "Funny name in Fla" but wonder why no one knows about us? At the same time we should make cracks "what kind of plane is that" about people that have airplanes that do go there? Last year there where three triple tails at OSH so why would anyone know what they are? At the same time there were over 30 Ercoupes. Still wonder why the Ercoupes are worth more than the Bellancas?


You are an ill tempered man who has trouble with reading comprehension but I'd fly with you to these events, as I proposed we all do as a group. Are you in, or do you simply wish to complain and misquote? Too often people confuse lamentation with action.


You have to be kidding me. I am ill tempered and can't comprehend because I asked a couple question? I guess if I was smart enough to comprehend I would not have needed to ask any questions. I think I will fly in with the Ercoupers, they seem to be in my IQ range. By the way, who did I mis-quote?

My suggestion:

"We know where our raids should strike. Let's choose a precious few that will make a difference. Yeah, we'll do others, but we need The Triple Tail Wing at the majors. Not one or two, but ten.

I'm in. I'll even endure Poberville or that crap fly-in that has the silly name in the south."

Your reply, Kevin:

"So let me see, we complain that we don't want to go to OSH "Poberville" or Sun-N-Fun "Funny name in Fla" but wonder why no one knows about us? At the same time we should make cracks "what kind of plane is that" about people that have airplanes that do go there? Last year there where three triple tails at OSH so why would anyone know what they are? At the same time there were over 30 Ercoupes. Still wonder why the Ercoupes are worth more than the Bellancas?"

Clear it up any? I think you may have interpreted my...uh...alternative references to these, the most covered fly-ins in the United States, as somehow meaning we should not go there. I proposed the contrary.

I see the mis-quote now. I said "funny name in Fla" and you said "that crap fly-in that has the silly name in the south" I apologize and can't wait to go to a crap fly in.

I will agree that a good way to get people to go to these events is a group fly in. I hate to say the Ercoupe word again but that is what they do and have been doing for many years. Half of those Ercoupes at OSH flew in together so were able to park together. They also camped together and spent time together at breakfast, dinners etc. Through out the year I see some of them at other fly ins but for some it is the only time during the year that I see them. I saw the three triple tails at OSH but during the week I never saw anyone by them to talk to them. I went to the forum and it was all Viking so I didn't bother with the dinner. The same fellow that has been organizing the OSH group fly in has for the past two years since he retired organizing the same thing for Sun-n-Fun picking up Ercoupes on his way from Michigan.

I have a cookout at my hangar every year. This year it is tentatively scheduled for Aug 16. Lets get some Bellanca there besides mine.

There are also two other popular fly ins in this area besides Lee Bottom. The first one of the year is at Moraine, Ohio on the first Sunday in May. The other is Waynesville, Ohio Labor Day weekend.

I may be ill tempered but I go to these and other flyins every year.

Forums are often a poor communication medium, Kevin. Some folks, like me, share a bit too much regarding how they feel about aviation beyond the aircraft we have in common. Some share none of that and stick to specific points.

Had I read about the cookouts you have at your hangar, for instance, I would not have been ill tempered and accused you of the same. It are those sort of details that make human connections among people who share only text.

The best example was a friend of mine on the Luscombe list. Great guy, warm fellow, with a prodigious knowledge of aircraft and aviation. In text, though, his sheer terseness was off-putting to such an extent that more than one guy I knew wrote me to say he was looking forward to an upcoming fly-in we all were attending so that they could punch the guy in the mouth. All I said was, "you will be surprised." Yep, once they met him, they really liked him.

Another fellow, a Brit, only posted when something annoyed him. EVERYONE on the list thought they hated this guy. But, in person, he's among the kindest, and most gracious of hosts, as another buddy of mine discovered when she went to England and visited with him.

And so it goes as it always has gone since large numbers of people have gone online.

Clarification: This year as we landed at OSH, we were directed to and parked amongst the Ercoupers! After shutdown the OSH scooter police came over to us and said (what kind of plane it that?). I said it was a souped up Ercoupe, isn't that why you parked me here? They wanted to move me but the Ercoupe fellows are a great bunch I'm staying. That's my story and we sticking to it! The recover continues and I press on, LYNN N9818B the crate :D
You guys are great:

Just when I thought I would have to put you in opposite corners, you kiss and make up :lol:

Jonathan, this is a great idea! I have been harping on this theme for quite a while - I'm the one that goes to Sun 'n Fun and AirVenture (Club display and Forums) each year to find no Bellancas on the line. See my rants in previous issues of B-C Contact! - when someone comes to the tent and asks about triple-tails, Vikings, I have nowhere to send them. Regardless of the chaos at, and an individual's feeling about these mega-fly-ins, it behooves us to present our case (Bellancas) where large numbers of aviators congregate. I think this is the crux of your argument.

Several years ago, we had a member in Illinois offer the services of his EAA Chapter as a staging point for a group flight to Oshkosh, but we had exactly two inquiries! They even offered food! Need new ideas.

I would be thrilled to have a volunteer put something together with the full support of the Club. This "Chairman" would have to take the initiative, but we have resources and can "speak" to the membership at large, the press (need lots of lead time), our website, etc. Anyone?

Thanks for listening to my diatribe (that's what Cy calls my BC-Contact! column :? )
Robert, keep up the good work! It is time you get some well deserved recognition for the job you have been doing. IF it was not for your efforts all of us would not have a place to rant and rave. Lynn N9818B :p :p
Such an interesting airplane you have there, Kevin. The panel customizing is clean, the offset compass makes a lot of sense, as do the rams horn yokes. Is that a stormscope I see or an engine monitor?

The interior colors work well, as do the exterior ones, yet if someone were to say their color scheme was a shade lighter than British Racing Green on white with golden brown stripes, I'd shudder...but when you LOOK at it, it goes together quite well.

Did you acquire the aircraft recently? I seem to recall you appeared on this forum as a new owner, back when I was calling you the Cincinnati Kid, because you did not sign your name at first. Or has this been an ongoing labor of love for you?

Oops...I see Robert has dropped in a post while I was typing this.

Yes, I know, and I'm sorry I wasn't "listening" to your pleas at first. Plus, given my poor choice of Bellancas, the 65k I've had to dump into it since, and the fact that Russell is finding reassembly of my hydraulic system quite time consuming - if you recall his recent post, he took his Bellanca to Alexandria because he is a really busy guy to begin with and is spending lots of that time working on MY Bellanca - the financial sting and embarrassment of it all had me seriously considering selling it.

I can endure many things, but feeling like a fool, and feeling "taken" by every shop except Joe Sills' shop in Texas (he overhauled my O-435 with immense attention to detail) took away any particle of joy I had for it. I was one for five in mechanic selection, a gear-up landing, and a hydraulic system that was junk despite repairs...until Russell jumped in.

Recently, though, I decided to stand fast and try to do something to help beyond writing wistful articles for the newsletter. Hell, I'm not about to give away an original (except for a subplanel) 14-19 with a fresh engine, prop, hydraulics, and all sorts of repairs - small and large - for someone else to enjoy, and have nothing but a red face to show for it.

Compared to all that, enduring those frantic arrival procedures, sweating it out at night in a tent (who can afford a hotel room after burning 12 gallons an hour all day) and paying the minions of Pober-spawn money because I brought along my own soda (beer) cooler seems worth it to me to be a triple tail ambassador and beckon others to join in. Plus I can play the role of the ill tempered man if they try to park us with those twin tails without rudder pedals :)

I bought it in August 2006 and put about 8 hours on my check out in it when I decided to do a top overhaul. That and the annual took all of last winter until about May. In June put one hour in it and my instructor had medical problems, then it was 90 all summer and too hot to break in the new cylinders. That is an EDM700 engine analyzer. The rams horns are cut off yokes and not very comfortable. I bought another set of yokes that are covered in leather but have not gotten them on yet. I bought my first airplane back in June from the couple I sold it to 12 years ago and flew it during the summer. If you backup a bit in the gallery there are other pictures of it and other things. The OSH and hangar pictures are from 2005.

I go to OSH every year but I don't tent any longer. I do a camper. I have been renting one but now I bought one and will need to get someone to pull it up for me this year or not fly. I have flow in enough that the novelty has worn off. Our EAA chapter goes in force and about 30 or 40 or so of us camp together.

I would really like to take the Crusair next year but the Ercoupe national is the week before and we will probably have 30 to 40 Ercoupes flying in together. It will be the last trip for my Ercoupe before restoration. I still could go either way though and take the Crusair to the Ercoupe nationals if the Bellanca guys want to fly in together. Know why Ercoupes (some anyway, I've had both) don't have rudder peddles? They don't need them. Give me a 30 MPH cross wind and a Ercoupe would be my choice. Now if it would just go as fast as the Bellanca and still burn 5.5 gal per hour.

Ercoupes are cool, and all, and were probably the best of the "safety airplane" designs. The reason they are a sore point for me is that entirely too many people suggested to the point of near insistence that I choose one on account of my disability.

Although I'm fond of saying that aircraft choose their owners, rather than the other way around, there was no way I was going to fly anything anyone else tried to choose for me, especially due to the reasons behind those "suggestions." I didn't fight the Feds for six years just to end up with something they approved of...I've got this liiiiiitle problem with authority ;)

I didn't know the rams head yokes were uncomfortable to use...I've never flown with them. I simply figured they gave you a better view of the panel when flying an aircraft lacking a proper - stick - control. The first Cruisairs had sticks by golly. :D

Interesting photos back in the main gallery section, Kevin. Are you the guy posing in front of Eleanor, or the guy dozing off in the car? :)

I know plenty of people have fun at these events, especially the one in Florida as it marks the beginning of the flying season for many people, Casa Grande aside. My only complaint - and I know it's a dumb one - it that I refuse to refer to it, either by spoken or written means, by its juvenile name. I guess I'm just weird when it comes to words. I cannot go into a Burger King and order their chief menu item - it feels dumb saying that word. So I order a "Humdinger" :lol: That's a nifty word!

Neither of those are me. I am the one passed out in the pile of sliders on the main page. Also here with my favorite niece.
