Transponder and ADS-B for Basic VFR

This was posted by AOPA this morning:
Just to close the loop on this thread, we ended up installing a Sandia STX165. So far we are very happy with the transponder. It is nice and small and installed easily in a standard instrument hole using an adapter plate. The unit cast about $1600. We installed the box ourselves, with our A&P following up with the final hookup. Installation was about $600 after the sign off.

This transponder will be ADS-B compliant with the addition of WAAS GPS in the future.
Hi I fly with the Stratus ADS-B and I pad at OSKOSH this year Stratus had a transponder that they are working on the certification for and it will hook to the Stratus and give you ADS-B in and out. Did not have a price yet but I'm going to wait and see.
It shouldn't have to actually "hook" to the portable receiver. Anything that pings the ground station will make traffic/wx show up for the receiver. For me the debate goes on whether I want to have a certified solution for the display or not. I generally do, I like certified/tested equipment. I've had one too many iPad failures to want to rely completely on one for flight data.

That said, in a VFR only airplane like my 7GCBC, a GMX200 and GTN650 might be overkill.
Yesterday the FAA issued a correction in the Federal Register to the ADS-B regulation. They said the word "performance" was inadvertently removed. The rule should have said that the ADS-B equipment must meet the performance standards of the appropriate TSO specifications without meeting the complete TSO certification process.

This opens the door for non TSO products, maybe even portable devices. There is hope yet for a low cost ADS-B solution for Experimental, LSA and GA airplanes that do not operate in Class A airspace.
