What's Going on With You Guys?

Jonathan Baron

New member
Damn...the silence is deep.

Monty...what are you doing? Randy...I am asking the same. Lynn I am sure is pissed off at something. Why don't you "share?"

I know what Peter is doing. Smiling. That's what he does best...when he's not doing things that are just a wee bit more important than that.

Robert is preparing another Newsletter and I'm late with my article.

Dangerous Dave is lamenting the notion that his Cruisair project will remain what it is. It will...for the moment, but we must lift his spirits. He has planted hints and we must respond to them.

Bernie has not checked in recently. Please check in if only to offer some twist on the language peculiar to us but normal to the Continent you inhabit.

Brian was AT the fly-in but has nothing to say.

Dan is not chastising anyone because no one is going off topic or failing to show interest in Bellancas before their individual example was manufactured.

I miss Merritt...

Oh, and as for me, the NTSB will likely rule my personal disaster as mechanical failure and not due to the crappy landing I made a Lubbock. I spoke to the guy's wife...through a strange combination of circumstances. Okay...let me be candid for a moment...not that I ever bul**t people. I'm not the finest pilot ever coined but folks who never met me looked at the same photos that people who did saw....and came to very different conclusions. Okay, okay, it's my personality.

So WTF are you guys doing?

I'm waiting to find out what your insurance company says so we can formulate a plan of action to get your airplane back in the air---------with you in it.
I'm still recovering from that fall off the wing. The black eye is gone. Heads and concrete should never meet. Dan
Yes, this forum has been pretty quiet lately, JB, including YOU. I think we are all waiting for some leadership from you. :D
I'm still on my annual. One day I will figure out that it doesn't have to take a full year to do an annual...I am so easily ocnfused! Had a great time at O22! Glad you were there...and so sorry for your travails. I kind of know what it is like to have a plane stranded 1000 miles from home...but do you really have to find so many different ways to do it!? Still say that welding the wheels down an putting spats on it might not be the worst thing!

Robert, I want to upload a file and it won't let me upload <*.doc> or <*.bmp> files! what gives?

Are you trying to force us to talk? Maybe give us personal conviction because we belong to a great group and don't participate? I just need to fly more so I would have something to talk about. 022 was good for me but I have been going to that location for 30+ years. (That is not a misprint). Some years for the Luscombe and others the Bellanca weekend. I got burned out and so I try to take someone who has never been. That is why I had Two kids with me. They are not my kids legally, though they are in heart, so can't spend the weekend there. Freda has no more interest in flying than my Dog does. So my motivational skills are lacking.
I now need an annual, so the next few weeks are going to be quiet. Don't have much to get all excited about but i guess I can still dream about things like converting my 0-470 to an 0-520 like P-ponk does for the Cessna line. That has a little wow factor but does not line up with the wallet. It might bring up conversation that my last major OH was about 1150 hours ago (not that interesting) but it was done by Weber in 1975, that's not a misprint either. Don't fix what ain't broke right????
O.K. I paid my dues and now Jonathon's guilt trip is off my back and on someone else.
I apologize, Brian. I didn't mean it that way but clearly it came across that way to you...the huge problem with text forums: tone and manner are often lost.

One big problem was the bellicose tone of the subject line...which I have now changed to something less noisy :wink:

NO problem Jonathon, I guess my last line was a little rough also. What is bellicose, i'am just a contractor who doesn't even know WHen TO Use capitol letters and has tough TImes WIth big WORds. LOL Brian
Checking in JB. Just have been overloaded with airplane problems (not the crate) and busy with FAA yearly inspection with my SAT repair station. That has been hands down the worst in 16 years. All these people with busted airplanes that never hardly fly and they all want them fixed asap. Kind of pisses you off because you bust your butt to get them going and yes back in the hangar they go. The crate has sat for 2 weeks and just flew again yesterday all still working fine. My landings were not my best. It's funny how you lose your edge in such a short time. I'm going to fix that. Lynn :D :D
Hi all, I am in the Air conditioning business here in DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) and been working my butt off. I hired a helper this year and have been paying him 55 hrs a week. He is 30 years old and I am 58 and when he starts complaining about how hot he is or tired I just say all I ask of you is to stay up with me. He will usually shut up. We have hit 100 real early this year and it has help with business. I do plan on making osh kosh this year but will take the Viking. :lol: :lol:

Johnathon. Hate to hear about your short landing. A friend wrecked his 14-19 and the insurance let him buy it back. They just deducted the salvage amount from the total then gave him the plane and a little cash. :( :( :(
They offered me the same, Randy, but they came up with an absurdly high buy back price. It's so high, though, that I doubt they'll be a flood of takers and it could end up going for roughly half what they're asking.
I've been playing with a Deuce and a half M35A2 Army truck I bought at a Gov't Auction 22 May. Only problem is some guy came up to me last Saturday and asked me what I'd take for it. I quoted him $1000 more than I paid for it and HE WROTE ME A CHECK RIGHT THERE!
I shoulda' stuck him for 2 grand I guess and there goes my aircraft transport. :roll:
ANYWAY... it's too darn hot and humid for the Poly Brush right now (90 deg w/ 100% humidity) and I have to get hernia surgery :cry: this August so that puts 392 in the garage until October I believe.
Frustrating because all I have left to cover is the two ailerons and wings. Thinking about re-covering the fuselage to make my aesthetic sense happier, but not sold on the idea yet.
G'Day Guys,
Sorry I have been off air for a while, suffering a Bloody cold winter over here which has slowed my interest in working in my cold workshop. Hard to believe we were on fire in Feb. On a lighter note, I am coming over in October to pick up some parts - Gary Brink has been a great help and I'm looking forward to dropping in, should be a great trip. Also picking up my new aeromatic Prop from Kent Tarver and a new windshield and lots a bits and pieces.
We 'over here' down under, have been engulfed in swine flu, so I'm hoping to bring it back and drop it in Mexico!!! We have had enough.
The Cruisair is making slow but steady progress.
But wait- didn't Al Gore say your winter should be warmer? :wink:
We had temps below 0 deg F this past winter here in Alabama.
Should you need to overnight in Huntsville, Margaret and I would be glad to have you stay with us!

Have a wonderful and safe trip, :D
Yep, coldest winter for 30 years I reckon. Just ask my dogs!!! Thanks for your kind offer, I am strict orders not to have too much 'fun' as the good lady is not coming, she is keeping the home fire burning. So my brother is coming and I have promised it won't be like the hangover movie in Las Vegas.
You mean Leaving Las Vegas? Now THAT was one depressing movie...so depressing that I laugh when I see it now.

Yeah, Bernie...you could do a bit better for accommodations :roll:
Actually, I doubt that he can do better...he and his brother are staying with us and we live on one of the many thousands of beautiful lakes in Minnesota. :D