Annual West Coast Fly-In (Columbia CA) 2025

The Fly-In Committee continues to recognize the work the late Robert Szego (see a Tribute to Robert) put into this event up to 2023. Despite his passing in 2023, the event will not die!

Thank you to our sponsors and donors!

Without your generosity and support, it would be very difficult to continue this wonderful event! We ask all in our community, whether you were at the 2024 event or not to consider these generous companies when needing supplies and parts. And, if you know a company which may be interested in sponsoring the event, please let us know.


Should you attend the fly-in?

Well, we're biased and would answer with a resounding, "YES!" but don't take our word for it, listen to what some of last year's attendees had to say.

"Steve and Dan's presentations were the highlight for me." ~ Skip R

"A “must do” every June. A pilgrimage every summer to a great airport and campground." ~ Mark A

"Location-Perfect, Time of year- Perfect. Food & Beverage-Perfect, Dinner & Hospitality-Perfect. Great Event!" ~ Scott J

"It was good to get together with other Bellanca pilots. We always enjoy the lectures and briefings. Hopefully we will be flying in next year! Thank you to the leadership for stepping up and continuing the event!" ~ Shane M

I'm sold! Give me the details!

When: June 5-8, 2024 (Thursday - Sunday)

Where: Columbia Airport, CA (O22)

Cost: $25pp plus food and raffle tickets (optional)

Even if you don't own a Bellanca (or derivative) or you're driving, you are welcome!

Attention flyers!! If you're flying in, please bring your tie-downs. Monitor AWOS on 124.65 and CTAF on 122.975. Generally, either runway will be available - paved, 17/35 (4673'x75'), or grass, 11/29 (2607'x50'). Both 100LL and Jet-A are available for purchase.

Thank you to this year's membership committee, and, also, to those who are assisting the committee in making 2025 the best fly-in yet!

2025 fly-In committee:

  • Ian Shere
  • John and Adele Christensen
  • Jim Spee
  • Frank Holbert
  • Rob and Julia Swanland
  • Dave and Shelly Gerkin
  • Vic Manuelli

Click the images for larger versions

General Timetable

These details are subject to confirmation and will be confirmed as soon as all items are finalized.

Thursday (and before)

We now have some attendees arriving on Thursday or even before (in 2024 we had 2 attendees there on Tuesday!). Feel free to turn up when it works for you.

Thursday is the preliminary setup of stalls and booths, and ensuring we have everything (as much as possible) in place.


  • Most attendees are arriving. Come on up to the registration booth and check in. Find your campsite (if you're camping) and catch up with friends, old and new.
  • Usually, we have a speaker on some aviation-related topic around 4pm, just before dinner.
  • Dinner is catered and should be paid for on the registration form.


  • Roundtables for the various types of aircraft (Super Viking, High-wing & Aeronca, and Triple Tails) just before lunch.
  • Lunch is catered and should be paid for on the registration form.
  • Tours and events will be held in the early afternoon. These should be paid for on the registration form.
  • The "must attend" event of the weekend is the maintenance talk at 4pm, just before dinner.
  • Dinner is catered and should be paid for on the registration form.
  • Towards the end of dinner, we start our wrap-up of Saturday with prize giving and a general roasting of fellow attendees!
  • Picture-slot plaques will be awarded for People's Choice, Best High-Wing, Best Triple-Tail, Best Viking, Best Aeronca, Oldest airplane in attendance, and Longest distance flown to the fly-in. Then we'll draw the winners of the Raffle Prizes.


Tidy up, pack up, and head home!