What did you do with your triple tail today?

Thanks for the good response! For anyone that wants to contribute, you can email me what you have to rswanland@usa.net . If you have info, drawings, documents, etc., that cannot be emailed just drop me a line and I will give you my address - I can scan the material that you send and return the originals to you. Also, please don't forget to send me all the photos that you have along with any comments about when the photos were taken. I will add this to the gallery. One final note about the Cruisairs - I would like to receive detailed information about each model so that I can create an authoritative history and chronology of each model. I have a pretty fair knowledge of the Cruisemasters but I need help with the history of the Cruisairs.
Rob, I emailed you the pertinent information on the Weber Aero Inc STC for McCauley C-66 prop on 14-19-2.
If you like, I could take a picture of it on my iphone and email it?
They only charged me $40 in 2015, so everyone with a 14-19-2 should buy this STC to install one of the most common and high quality props. These were installed on many Cessna 182s.
When I removed the Hartzell, I had to deal with the reverse acting governor, fortunately I have a governor that is reconfigurable so I didn't have to buy one.
Scott, thanks so much for the STC info. I did receive your email. I have purchased their STC for the Cleveland brakes, but I didn't even know they had an STC on the prop. It would be great if you could send an image of the STC document - just email to me please. Thanks!
Just seeing this thread, haven't checked the forums in a while. Got these shots of me test flying my bird after last annual signoff! Now waiting on my GDL 82 so I can knockout that stupid ADS-B mandate. These pictures are great since I never get to see my bird from the outside! She's so pretty!

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Trot said:
Just seeing this thread, haven't checked the forums in a while. Got these shots of me test flying my bird after last annual signoff! Now waiting on my GDL 82 so I can knockout that stupid ADS-B mandate. These pictures are great since I never get to see my bird from the outside! She's so pretty!

Bryan, those are some great shots! I really like the red color scheme - it makes the -3 look like a sleek Italian sports car... only better! Hey, send me some hi-res pictures for my -3 photo collection if you would. I have a couple pictures from a few years back when you made it to the Columbia fly-in but I need more! How about making the trip out west next month?
We went to visit grandchildren this weekend. Tail winds both ways, kind of like finding a unicorn. I am glad summer is here and the ice is up above the altitudes I like to use. It makes planning a trip so much simpler, just don’t get in a thunderstorm. :D View attachment 1
It was Young Eagles day at the airport just south of us this Saturday. It was busy, they stopped taking kids when we got over 140. There was a lot of good volunteer help on the ground and a wide verity of planes participating, from a Zenith homebuilt to a Beach 18. The weather was forecast to be 700/1-1/2. But it stayed solid VFR all morning. I lost count but I think I gave 20 kids rides in the Cruisemaster. :D
Ralph, My nephew is doing one of these programs in Kokamo Ind. get them interested when they are young and they can have a life time of adventure. It is great for seasoned pilots to take the time to show the youths what a wonderful hobby or career it could be for them. Thanks for your time of helping out!
I flew the WLSTEN GRB departure out of Flying Cloud KFCM (Minneapolis) yesterday. I don’t get to the big city much so this was my first attempt at a SID. I was concerned I would mess up some hidden detail but it all went well. The tower sends you south for noise abatement then Departure turns you back north on a vector to intercept the SID. It seemed strange to be doing such large turns during climb out, but at the end of the day I was on my way with only minor extra distance traveled. :D
This week I'm annual-ing after a 5 year storage.
I've replaced the Hartzell propeller w/ the Alexandria STC'd McCaulley upgrade and reconfigured my "Allspeed" governor.
I rebuilt the brakes before I could run the engine for the hot compression check (passed !!) Rebuilt Slick mags: less than 500 hours, but 25 years!! I had one model #6210 which is not even good for a core return, and one #6310. Both are Kelly rebuild #6310 now. The Concorde RG35AXC battery was replaced ($$$), it only lasted 15 years. I thought the battery box would have a lead plate in it for W&B, but mine has lead birdshot??
Oil Change, air filter, plug cleaning and general all around fussy work.
I have a Terra(ble) NAV/COM and 3LMB radios and a KX125, Also an old Narco AT50 transponder. Maybe it will get a uAvionix ADS-B. I dread upgrading those.
All the covers are off, the interior is out and the gear has been 'swung' w/ the switches, lights, horn and indicator tested.
My wing fairings were sealed with some silicon sealer, and were very difficult to remove for the wing root inspection (years ago) so I've been fighting to get it off the fuselage without damaging the finish. Permatex Silicon sealant remover works..not very well. Any ideas? I'm using bathtub caulk on the rear spar covers; good seal and much better to remove and clean up.
The IA comes on Thursday. Hopefully it will pass and will soon be in the air again.
My experience with transponders and ADS-B is that the Narco AT 50 is a fire hazard. I have seen two of them burnt. The AT 50A is a very good unit and works well with the UAvionics ADS-B. I prefer the GDL 82 and the KT 76A and TCI SSD 120 as the best set up and cheapest overall for the 978 UAT. Spend more and go 1090ES get a Stratus ESG and TCI encoder. Over the 30 plus years I have done over a thousand S.A.T. checks and some older units keep soldiering on. There is so much info gizmo with the new avionics, it seems no one is looking outside! Oh well I'm an Analog guy in a Digital world. Lynn the crate.
N9800B passed annual with flying colors! Back in the air, but limited destinations until ADS-B. :( .
I have a couple of hours on her now, with a mountain flight yesterday between Mount Adams and Mt Rainier. Goat Rocks Wilderness area is awesome (even if viewed from the side)
I'm in a hotel in Chewelah Wa. where my son is getting married tommorow.
Sorry, no pix yet. I'm working on low airspeed indication problems. I made a manometer out of clear Tigon tube and applied 170 MPH of pitot pressure, only to see it bleed off quickly.
I renewed the flex lines from the pitot to the aluminum tubes in the wing (pitot hose had a blob of "monkeysh*t," on it) no improvement. The pitot collar ahead of the static ports was missing so I made one, maybe the variometer reads better now... But the airspeed reads very low.
I guess it's time to torture my back and dive under the panel and look in the wing root for leaks. After that, get the indicator checked?
Be careful with the pitot collar it will effect the airspeed drastically. I suggest you remove the collar. It is there to provide supposedly dead air for the static system. As you are well aware the static line runs to the airspeed indicator. My friend who owns the Spartan had this problem when he first got the plane. The airspeed was off 30 mph bad news when your going slow. I eventually removed the collar and that was the culprit. Lynn the crate
Pitot/static leaks can be a real pain to track down. A few years ago, I replaced the tubing in my pitot and static when I failed a cert. Both the lines are good now with no leaks. The Cruisemaster I have now and the Cruisair I had before it both have fairly large low speed position errors. Below 100mph my airspeed indicator reads really low. At cruise speed my indicated speeds match my GPS very closely. 60mph indicted is a good approach speed and 55 will get you a short field landing with very little left for a flair. Stall is at 0 indicated. If I fly the final at 70 I will float in ground effect for a shockingly long time. The difference in true airspeed between 55 and 0 indicated is quite small, but the attitude change is large. The airspeed indicator is working much more like an attitude indicator. Most of the error is probably due to the static system getting fed ram air at high angles of attack.
Ralph, the guy I bought my Cruisemaster from tore the left gear up and the pitot tube. He had Bellanca fix the damage. They installed a Cessna heated pitot tube and static vents from a Super Viking. I do S.A.T. checks and use a certified Pitot/Static box. The airspeed and altimeter on the Crate are spot on. I found that getting set up to land, the best set up for me is 70mph with full flaps. I always 3 point and it will stall at 55mph. The published speeds when they built the bird are pure BS. I can match them with the Static Box but not with the OPEC 470. I cruise at 2500 ft 21mp, 2350rpm it does 140mph this is also what I see on both my GPS units and my Dynon D3. Lynn the crate