What did you do with your triple tail today?

Here is my manometer for testing the pitot system. It leaked so fast the airspeed was nearly to zero before I could peek in the window.
Next week I’ll be back in there looking for that leak.
Are you just checking for leaks or do you have it calibrated such that you can test the airspeed readings (once the leaks are fixed)?
Trying to get this old plane back in the air, jumping through the hoops the AI wants, so today we weighed the aircraft, has not been weighed since 68', 1387 lbs. for a 14-13, Faa is to be here next week for the next hurdle!
Here is the panel pic Rob asked for.
The top center:
Audio switch panel, Apollo GX-55, King KX-125, Terra Tri-Nav C.
The lower panel is Terra 3 Light Receiver, Terra Com & Nav and PM-1000 intercom.
I have the original fiberglass panel overlay, I removed it to do some maintenance; liked the bare look.
The original "radio compass" indicator is still installed, but does not work or I don't know how to use it.
Perhaps Dan Cullman (or someone?) knows what it is.
So it looks like a 1980's type upgrade without excessive butchery. I use Foreflight on an iPad to assist with navigation.
Hey, I still have a Loran in my panel...I could yard it out and put something in its place....or just a filler plate.
Scott... thanks for the panel picture. I do like the classic look! Does your GX-55 work ok with a good display? I have a GX-50 lying around and would be glad to send it your way if it would do you any good. --Rob
Dan, I actually have a second GX-50 as well. Of course it's almost as old as your Loran unit, but it does actually display some useful GPS data. Let me know if you have any interest. --Rob
Thanks for the offer...
I do have a Garmin 300XL that works ok...someday I'll have to get the data card updated. Project 171!
Isn't the 300XL the final, top of the line product of the old yellow/black screen GPS w/Com?
I would still put one of those in to replace my GX-55 or espacially a Loran.
But first, I would carry a tablet computer with Foreflight or Avare. :D
Wings are bolt on for the last time, gear hooked up, brakes pumped up,aileron's and flap assembled, did a static run up, need to hook up the nav lights and then wait for the field approvals from FAA! Getting real close finally.
Marilyn and I flew the 'Blue Beauty' to visit an old flying friend today. A real 'Flying Oxygenarian' :wink: It was about 45 minutes each way and over some local mountain foothills requiring a 5,500' cruise. I decided to use the EI-5 fuel monitor and try some low power flight with leaning.
2,200 @ 22" leaned to about 11.5 GPH gave 139Kts over the ground. the problem is determining the wind component. After passing half way to the destination, I entered a long glide set to 2,000 @ 20" about 10.5 GPH. I don't want to give speed numbers because of descent rate, my airspeed indicator reads low and GPS can't account for wind, but I think it does pretty well at the low-power, lower altitude regimen. I generally consider it to be best above 5,500, up to 10,000. I was pleased at the smoothness and low noise.
While rolling out to take off for the return flight, I spied a Viking taxiing out ahead of us. I hailed him and found we have mutual friends, and that Bellancas can tend to be generational in a family. He was flying a 1978 Turbo Viking and his dad had a 14-19-2 (my son has a 14-19-3a). So we flew along together for a bit.
All together a well spent day.
Hey Scott... thanks for sharing this. The Cruisemaster quiets down a lot at 2200 RPM and that's some really good performance you reported. Your Viking friend is probably Mike Simon. He lives close by. I bought a pristine polished heated pitot tube from him a few months ago that was apparently purchased by his Dad for the Cruisemaster. That -2 is now undergoing a high-quality restoration in Oklahoma.
Sac to Monterey

Cruise at 9,500 155kts

What do you guys with the bigger engined 14-19's realistically cruise

This is a 14-13-2 with a 220hp Franklin.

Climbs 2kper minute at max power then cruise climb at 750ft/min.
It's a rainy misty day....
I sat in the cockpit and looked around. I'm thinking about upgrading the panel. Terra Radios don't work well and have no support.
Funny you should say that as Tower was not happy with the quality of my radio transmissions yesterday..... I ordered a cable to fit my handheld to my headset since once airborne the radios function okay. Lack of a good antennae?
My Cruisemaster has a simple stainless steel rod antenna right in front of the firewall / windshield, and a bent whip antenna on the belly inspection cover under the rudder pedals.
The belly antenna is between the landing gear and probably not so good for ground communications.
Cruisemaster 260B & Vikings have low drag top antennae starting about over the back seats. I think I would like to go that route, but pulling down the headliner to create a ground plane and mount would require work and down time.
The -2 Cruisemaster was built with two rotating beacons, one on top of the fuselage and the other on the bottom. The crate has the top beacon removed and a RAMI comm antenna mounted there. The ground plane is provided by 4 wires (.040 safety wire) radiating from the base. It is important that the wires are at least the length of the antenna or longer. This arrangement works great with my old Collins radios 18 yrs. now. I installed another when I did the headliner. In regard to the bottom mount comm antenna, we had two of those mounted on the Spartan and we had trouble with the reception and transmission on the ground. These were the bent whip stainless antennas. We changed these to newer style Commant antennas and that fixed the comm. This was with Garmin 530 and King KX155. I used RG 58 with both of these installs all with dual crimp fittings. It is always good practice to change the RF cable with a new antenna. Lynn the crate
Thanks for the antennae info. That's my issue - - - poor transmission on the ground with a belly mounted antennae. Okay in the air.